
Codice Fiscale Generator

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Enter the place of your birth


  • Every CF generated has an unique Link, and it can be added to Favorites or sent by Mail (example of CF)
  • The generated CF considers all Italian Municipalities from 1861 to today, even those with administrative changes.
  • Foreign States that have undergone through changes in name or territory are included.
  • The calculation of the CF is encoded as determined by D.M. 23/12/1976 and the validation solves the cases of omocodia.


  • To generate a Codice Fiscale the birthplace as existing at the time of birth should be entered.
  • The Codice Fiscale was introduced in 1973 (Dpr n.605/1973) to make the Tax Codes more efficient.
  • The case of omocodia occurs when it generates the same Codice Fiscale for different people.

Useful Information

Italian citizens and foreigners resident in Italy may ask for the release of a new Codice Fiscale at the Agenzia delle Entrate. Only for newborns (within 60 days) the CF can be released also by the enabled municipalities. Italian citizens residing abroad can apply at the Consulate of Italy.


The tax identification number (Codice Fiscale) of an individual is valid only if it has already been released by the Italian Agenzia delle Entrate, solving in this way the cases of omocodia. Responsibility is declined for eventual improper uses of the generated code.